Impact Goals
Ata Agric targets commercial SMEs and farmer cooperatives that have limited access to working capital, but are able to responsibly repay loans.
Current Portfolio
Ata Agric serves the day-to-day working capital needs of African agricultural businesses and farmer cooperatives, particularly those advancing food security by operating in staple food crop value chains.

Atlas Commodities Limited
- Facility Size: USD 3mn
- 1917 Female Smallholders Supported
- 4427 Smallholders Supported
Access to Capital
Community and Rural Development
Atlas is a $4m licensed cocoa buying company (LBC) that sources cocoa from 36 cooperatives in Ghana. Their operations are located in Kumasi, from where the Company oversees the procurement of cocoa directly from smallholder farmers across outlying cocoa growing regions. Industry is tightly regulated by the Ghana cocoa board (COCOBOD) which sets the total cocoa volume target, farm-gate price and selling price. Given that the cost and sale price of cocoa is fixed, LBCs compete to carve a greater share of the existing supply of cocoa by awarding incentives to farmers in exchange for their cocoa.
Kanu Equipment Agriculture Ltd
- Facility Size: USD 3mn
- 2 Female Smallholders Supported
- 26 Smallholders Supported
Access to Capital
Community and Rural Development
Kanu is a specialist in the supply of world-class agricultural equipment and holds the agency agreement for CASE in Tanzania. CASE manufactures quality agricultural machinery which is economical without compromising on power and durability. The Company aims to reduce the cost of development in Africa by providing quality machines, backed by a skilled maintenance team with spare part availability second-to-none. Kanu only distributes quality brands with the necessary original equipment manufacturer support to respond timeously to customers’ needs.

Les Minoteries Industrielles Import-Export Limited (Minimex)
- Facility Size: USD 2mn
- 6956 Female Smallholders Supported
- 22 438 Smallholders Supported
Access to Capital
Community and Rural Development
Minimex is the largest producer of fine maize products in Rwanda, and began operating in 2006. The Company purchases maize primarily from Rwandan smallholder farmers, cooperatives, and traders, as well as from countries within the same region including Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
Ata Agric’s alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals

Provide Credit
Provide short-term loans and flexible lines of credit to enable agricultural enterprises that work with smallholder farmers to grow and source higher volumes of product from farmers. This in turn creates income generation opportunities for smallholder farmers and actors throughout the value chain.
Social & Economic Impact
Generate social and economic impact for the USA agriculture sector, including direct impact on increased employment and increased revenues for SMEs, as well as indirect impact on smallholder farmers through higher and more stable incomes, improved farm productivity, reliable markets, and increased food security.
Demonstrate Viability
Demonstrate the viability of agricultural finance in Africa by generating positive returns for the Facility and its shareholders, servicing a blend of impact and commercial debt, and attracting additional finance to the sector.
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